Jonty was in the first race of the day. It was also his first race ever, so, after "triam tua", "prom", and "pay" as the whistle blew ("on your marks", "get set", "go" for those who don't speak Thai) Jonty waited until the other boys were halfway down the track, before realising that he should also run.
If that had been me I would have been devastated. Coming last, oh no no! But Jonty was delighted. He had so much fun, and said he hoped they'd have another sports day soon, there's really no reason to wait till next year. He was also proud of himself for running his fastest. Well, he did run pretty fast, just a pity he started a bit too late, and took too long a detour!!! But I was proud of him for being able to enjoy it despite the fact that he came 3 out of 3. He won a bronze medal (unfortunately it was pink) and is very happy with it - especially, after I spray-painted the outside gold...
I felt I was justified in spray-painting it gold because NO almost-5 year old boy should be seen wandering around wearing a pink medal!!! and secondly, his Blue team won Sports Day, so the gold represents his team's victory. So how did the blue team win? Did I mention that Madame Emily was also in the Blue team?
She was in a grumpy mood, so she stomped off to her race looking too cute for words in her athletics outfit. Her race was the much-awaited watermelon relay. She was first off the mark, and did a brilliant job picking up her watermelon, racing around the track and back so the second person could get it. He was half her size, but bravely seized the watermelon and slowly ambled around the track, ending up stone last. The third one to go was a strong little girl who had no problem, but she fell once, and so the Blue team was still last. I thought it was all over, but the race was not finished yet,
After all the races, it was time for the awards and official photos. Every single child had competed in something, a
nd so every single child won a medal. Each one of them was just so delighted, and they went racing around finding others who had the same colour as theirs ... the pinks (bronzes) and the silvers and the golds all seem to have equal value! They all took part, they all had fun. It was a huge success and I learned that you don't have to win to have fun. Although I still think it does help.
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