Jonty, I will be the first to admit, has his issues. I think they're mostly related to him being the eldest. He is a little obsessive compulsive, he stresses about rules not being followed - such a conformist, he gets hysterical about fairly minor problems, he is a tad terrified about trying new things (especially when it comes to food), he is controlling, and he really is responsible ... for a 4 year old. Oh, and extremely bossy.
Lately this has been worrying me a bit - he just seems so uptight and anxious. But today, on the way to school we were listening to the song "everything that has breath PRAISE THE LORD". Jonty was singing along so happily. Halfway through the song he says to me - "so this guy says he praises God all day long, he even praises God at work". I said "yes, and you (Jonty) can praise God at school all day long too".
"I do Mom," replies Jonty, very matter-of-factly.
And you know, he DOES! He is such a spiritual guy and loves God so much and trusts God so much. He prays more beautifully and with far more meaning and passion than most adults pray. Not a day goes by that he does not pray that "the Buddhists will return to you Jesus". Jonty thanks God several times a day for blessings he receives, and he casts all his burdens at Jesus' feet (even the ones I think are ridiculous!).
Sure, Jonty may have his hangups, and I'll do my best to help him, but the only thing that really and truly counts is that Jonty has a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ - and he's got it. WHAT A FAITHFUL GOD WE SERVE! I am just bursting with joy this morning because Jonty also has a faithful God.
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