At 04h45 Emily came to my room and asked me to find her green Barbie for her. I sent her back to bed forthwith, but it was not an auspicious start.
I fetched the kids from school at 12h00 today. Emily cried most of the way home because she said she did not want to have a nap when we got home. Five minutes after we got home she stomped upstairs and asked why I was not putting her to bed as she wanted to have her nap.
I put her to sleep on my bed as Nina was already asleep in the kids' room. Emily screamed because she wanted to sleep on her own bed, so I said, fine, sleep on your own jolly bed. So she said, no, she didn't want to wake up Nina, she'll sleep on my bed.
She has a horrible blister on her knee. When she woke up she asked me to put a plaster on it. We went for a bike ride. The plaster came off about 10 minutes away from home, and she screamed. I suggested we turn around and go home to get another plaster. She smiled sweetly and said she did not want to go home yet and that it was all better.
We had a treasure hunt in the garden and Emily screamed because Jonty was eating all the treasure (sugus sweets). Upon investigation I found out that Jonty had found all 2 of them and had in fact quite sweetly - I thought - given her one of them which she had already eaten.
There was ice-cream after supper tonight. She dropped her bowl on the floor, breaking the bowl. I scooped up the ice-cream and put it in another bowl. She screamed because she wanted the broken bowl. She said she could not eat the ice-cream out of the new bowl, and so did not want the ice-cream any more.
I said fine, Nina can have it. Emily screamed and said she DID want the ice-cream in the replacement bowl. (And asked why I was being "so stupid"?)
There was a tiny bit of ice-cream left in the tub, Jonty had already had seconds, so I put dished it up for Emily. She screamed and said she did not want any more ice-cream. I took it out and fed it to Nina. As Nina polished off the last of the ice-cream a few seconds later, Emily screamed because Nina had finshed the ice-cream and SHE actually wanted more.
Good news though - its 7.40pm and she's been asleep for the last 40 minutes. I love her dearly, but sometimes I think I love her between 7 pm and 7 am the most.
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