He's only four years old, but the powers that be at his school strongly recommended that Jonty be accelerated to a Preparatory Class for "big school" which starts in September. Problem was that it was just far far far too difficult for him and the fact that he was going to have a ten-word spelling test on Friday (with words like "behind" and "blue") kind of freaked me out - especially as he can't even write his letters properly yet! In fact, after his first day at school he prayed, very earnestly and with a great deal of passion, that God would help him write the letter "e"....
After two days, despite the protests of those power that be, we decided to move our 4 year old back to kindergarten where he belongs. The whole family breathed a collective sigh of relief.
When I collected Jonty from kindergarten yesterday the first thing my very proud little boy said was - "guess what mom, today I learned how to write an 'e' !" Thank you Jesus.
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