Monday, January 7, 2008

New Year, New Resolutions

It’s always a good time to reflect on what changes need to be made as a new year starts. I know that I could certainly do with some improvement, so here are my resolutions:

* Lose 6kg

* Be organised

* Look stylish

* Take time to do things that I love doing

Why do I need to lose 6kg? A combination of 3 pregnancies in 3 and a half years, and … yes, its also a result of overindulging: I find chocolate very difficult to resist.

Why do I need to be organised? Because my life will be a lot happier and I’ll save time, and money if I were more organised. My clutter causes me to be stressed, so I need to declutter. I need to keep things simple.

Why do I need to look stylish? I suppose I don’t really NEED to, but I want to. I am tired of not having a style, and just wearing what fits (pregnancy). I am almost 40, I need to get this right before I do turn 40.

Why do I need to take time to do things that I love doing? For my sanity, for my kids’ sanity, because I can be a better person if I actually have a life beyond my children.

And as I do each year, I have one final resolution: To have a closer walk with God.

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