I started working through Neil Anderson' list of "Who I am in Christ". The first category is "I am Accepted in Christ" and the first point is that "I am God's child". I know that. Of course. But what does it mean? I forced myself to think about it and not just take it at face value.
I have three children. How do I feel about them? I love them. But, let's be honest, they drive me crazy.
They don't listen to me - I have rules, for THEIR benefit, that they don't follow. They get into trouble and hurt themselves because they don't obey. They scream. They have temper tantrums. They argue, they all know better than me. They want to make their own decisions even when I know its not the best thing for them.
And, yes, at times I get angry and lose my own temper in turn. I still love them though.
This morning Emily was really quick to cry and whine about just about everything. So I tried to "fill her love tank". It usually works: I put her on my lap, measure her "love level" and - "glug glug glug" - give her lots of hugs and cuddles, filling her up till she's overflowing with love. When the love comes exploding out she giggles hysterically and then is usually as happy and content as can be, racing off to play and enjoy her little life.
Not today - she would not let me. "I don't want you to fill my love tank" she claimed. She preferred to be miserable and refused to allow me to love her. I still love her even though she's chosen to be miserable.
Mmm. Is there a lesson here?
Then I got to thinking... its not actually about how I feel about my chidren. Its about who they are are as my children.
Who are they?
They are mine. And I would fight to the death if anyone tried to take them from me.
They are special. Unique, wonderful, individual, marvellous creations.
They are beautiful. Truly beautiful.
They are loved. They have 100% confidence that they are loved.
They are precious. More valuable than anything - more valuable than gold, diamonds, rubies.
They are absolutely secure. Secure that they are our children. Secure at home, secure wherever they go.
I am imperfect, but this is how I see who my children are. Can I dare to imagine how God sees me? I am God's child. I am his. I am special, unique, wonderful, marvellous, I am beautiful, I am loved. I am precious. I am secure.
Note to self: Remember this!