Last week Jonty was really missing his big cousin Peter. Actually it was more than that, he was missing his buddies, his guy friends from South Africa. He was driving Nick a bit mad with his endless requests to wrestle ....
So we prayed with Jonty. Jonty told God how sad he was feeling and how much he was missing Peter. He prayed that God would let Peter visit him after Emily's birthday (September). From that moment he started talking about Peter's visit as if it were a reality. I tried to help him understand that its expensive, a visit was highly unlikely, and that - never mind - he would see Peter again in July 2009, but Jonty still carried on about the visit after Emily's birthday.
I had sent Debbie an e-mail telling her about Jonty's prayer. Not to hint, just because it touched me. The love between those 2 boys, despite the 4 year age gap, is so special. Anyway, a couple of days later I got an e-mail back from her "We're coming!". She had discussed it with her husband and agreed that she and Peter would come during the school break ... at the end of September!
When I told Jonty, it was like "well, what did you expect? I prayed. I knew he was going to come. What's all the fuss about?" I was certainly not telling him anything that he did not know already. But that's not to say that he was not as pleased as a 4 year old could possibly be!
But Jonty had prayed another prayer too - he'd prayed that he'd be able to make new friends. The day after we prayed, we met a guy, Ben, who lives two roads up from us. Ben is lonely and looking for a friend. He is an older boy - just what Jonty needs, and a really cool kid who is happy to take Jonty off for long bike rides. And the next day we had a crowd of kids in our home for Kids Club, and the day after that "Arm" (5 years old), whose mother works nearby, invited himself to play ALL DAY LONG. I had to shoo him home at half past 4!
So many answers to prayer. Well, what did I expect?! Jonty prayed.
This evening he was playing computer games - AGAIN. He'd found a new one and asked me to explain how to do it. I could not figure out this silly game... too confusing. Jonty simply says - "Shall we pray?"